Rooms In Green Park South Delhi on Daily bookings

This is the Newly Renovated Property Availble for Guest Looking for Daily Stay rental Basis . The Property has 14 rooms with Attatch bath shower and is available with daily House keeping, Internet wifi service,Kitchen services and waiting lounge for the Guest.
The Property is Located on the Main market of Green Park Main South Delhi and is Close to the Green Park Metrro station on Yellow Line,The Other Metro stations close by within 2kms is the Sarojini nagar on Pink Line Bhikaji cama Place in Pink Line and IIT Delhi On mejanta Line.
The Rooms are very neat and clean with attatch bath shower and can be rented on hourly basis as well for short stay and long stay.
The House keeping services are available on daily basis and there is 24hrs room attendents available in building for the Guest Support
For Instant Booking of Rooms